Service, Internships, and Volunteer Work

New Jersey Army National Guard (2021-present) Combat Engineer with rank of Specialist. Deployed with 44th IBCT 2024.

Graduate Student Government (2016-2020) Representative for the Program in Population Studies

Council of Princeton University Community (2018-2020) Graduate Student Representative on the Rights and Rules Committee

  • Elected by the graduate student body in 2018 and re-elected in 2019
  • Reviewed changes to Princeton’s policies around sexual harassment and assault
  • Reviewed Princeton policies on expectations of privacy and making recordings

Treasurer and Secretary of the Princeton University Graduate Consulting Club (2018-2020)

  • Handled finances and budgeting
  • Attended and participate in executive board meetings
  • Assisted in planning and organization of annual Case Competition

Project Leader for Volunteer Consulting Initiative (2018-2020)

  • Completed a project with another graduate student studying chronic absenteeism in Mercer County for the Princeton Area Community Foundation
  • Designed a framework to conduct a demographic and health survey and evaluate the health interventions of Amani Global Works, a non-profit working in the Democratic Republic of Congo (managed 5 team members)

Population Reference Bureau (Summer 2016) Evidence Intern

  • Data analysis using Demographic and Health Survey Data for Tanzania
  • Presented research findings and contributed to a published report

European Students for Liberty Blogging Team (2015) Blogger

  • Contributed blog posts on various topics

Metropolitan Planning Council (Spring 2014) Research Assistant

  • Used GIS and online tools to analyze financing options for transit development
  • Research on Business Improvement Districts, Special Service Areas and transportation in Chicago
  • Helped plan an evaluation of Bus Rapid Transit and carried out field work to collect baseline data

Manna Microfinance (2011) Volunteer

  • While in South Sudan I volunteered time to a local microfinance operation

Vanbrugh College Junior Common Room Committee (2007) Off Campus Representative

  • Attended regular meetings to plan college events and discuss undergraduate issues
  • Represented students living in off campus housing